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Blog - The Moth Guy - Page 2
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3 Signs You Have a Moth Problem

This month, Julia in upstate New York contacted us with a moth emergency. She writes: Dear Moth Guy, EMERGENCY: I live in a countryside home in upstate New York. This week, I returned from vacation only to find several tiny tan-colored moths in my living room. I can’t figure out where they are coming from. […]

Do Moths Eat Synthetic Fibers?

Moth damage

This month I received a question from Troy in Sacramento, California. Troy is wondering whether he should vacuum-seal his polyester sweaters. Moth Guy, Your website says moths only eat wool and silk. I don’t own anything silk, just wool. When I put my wool sweaters away for the season, should I vacuum seal my synthetic […]

What’s Wrong with Mothballs?

On this month’s Moth Hotline, Bruce from California wants to know the deets on why I recommend against mothballs. Hey Moth Guy! You take a pretty strong stance against mothballs. When I was a kid, my grandmother would put her clothes in a trunk and toss in a few mothballs to keep the moths away. […]

What Do Moths Eat?


This week, we’re opening up our mail bag! Jonathan in Miami is struggling to understand what clothes moths eat and why they’re in his girlfriend’s apartment. Dear Moth Guy, You already explained this but I still don’t get it. What do moths actually eat except clothes? My girlfriend’s apartment has them and I am trying […]

Can Moths Bite?

Today, we’re going to open up the floor to Sylvia from Pennsylvania, who posed the following question: Dear Moth Guy, My apartment is filled with moths. Before I go to bed, sometimes I see them flying around in my room. Do they bite? It safe to sleep in there? Please help! Sylvia Sylvia, I’m glad […]

Why Mothballs Aren’t Healthy

Mothballs kill moths, right? Well, it’s complicated.  Toxicity Mothballs’ mechanism for action is a toxic gas called dichlorobenzene. Mothballs undergo sublimation, which is a process where a solid turns directly into a gas, bypassing the liquid phase. The toxic chemicals of mothballs sublimate into a gas which (theoretically) kills moths and their larvae. The problem […]

Carpet Moths vs. Clothes Moths

two species of moths

How can you tell the difference between a carpet moth and a clothes moth? Given the threat posed by carpet moths and clothes moths, which will eagerly destroy keratin-containing fabrics before they complete metamorphosis, it’s important to understand the differences between these two pests. Often, people believe that any common outdoor moth has the potential […]

4 Signs You Have Carpet Moths

common clothes moth

It’s hard to tell if you have carpet moths. These signs will help you diagnose your moth problem. Carpet Moths are synonymous with Clothes Moths, the creatures that feed on natural fibers containing keratin. While many newer carpets are constructed from synthetic fibers, thus making them impervious to moth digestion, older carpets and many throw […]

Clean Your Room

clear spray bottle

It’s easy to forget how many different places moths can hide around your home. If you take a look at the average American home, which is an average of 2,600 square feet, this leaves many opportunities for Clothes Moths to hide and propagate. Many homes have areas where owners neglect cleaning which can lead to […]