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Why Does the UK Have Carpet Moths?

UK moths

We live in a globalized world. From the advent of the Age of Colonialism, new crops, products, and ideas have permeated the globe to an astounding degree, in an experiment over 500 years into the making. Local indigenous populations of animals and insects have migrated and become global. While the venerable clothes moth is truly […]

Carpet Moths vs. Clothes Moths

two species of moths

How can you tell the difference between a carpet moth and a clothes moth? Given the threat posed by carpet moths and clothes moths, which will eagerly destroy keratin-containing fabrics before they complete metamorphosis, it’s important to understand the differences between these two pests. Often, people believe that any common outdoor moth has the potential […]

4 Signs You Have Carpet Moths

common clothes moth

It’s hard to tell if you have carpet moths. These signs will help you diagnose your moth problem. Carpet Moths are synonymous with Clothes Moths, the creatures that feed on natural fibers containing keratin. While many newer carpets are constructed from synthetic fibers, thus making them impervious to moth digestion, older carpets and many throw […]